

100% Private & Judgment-free
Relationship Counselling

Rekindle your relationship and reclaim that lost love with our empathetic relationship counselling.
mental health service in kerala

100% Private & Judgment-free Relationship Counselling

Rekindle your relationship and reclaim that lost love with our empathetic relationship counselling.

Rediscover love with our online couple therapy

Navigating relationships can be challenging, and we understand that finding the right pieces for your love puzzle can be elusive. Worry not, as our relationship counselling online is here to guide you through the twists and turns. Consider your relationship a journey, and our online couples counseling serves as the compass that helps you find those missing pieces. With online couple therapy, we work hand-in-hand to get past this phase and reignite the spark in the comfort of your own space. Together, let’s light up your love through the convenience and support of our online relationship counseling services.
mental health service online

6 Reasons to Choose Us

Seamless Online

Zero Judgement

100% Privacy

Consult From Anywhere
at Any Time

Turn on Camera
Only If You Wish

Certified & Experienced

Who Needs Our
Relationship Counselling

trauma therapy in Kerala

Patch up your relationship With Online Couple Therapy

Why suffer alone? Try our online relationship counselling for support and understanding

Benefits of Our Relationship Counselling

Meet Your Therapist

What People Says

Your warmth and genuine concern have helped me find strength I didn't know I had. I am so fortunate to have you by my side.😭😭

You are isn't just a professional; they've become a lifeline for me. Your kindness and understanding have made me feel truly heard and cared for.

you've been more than just a psychologist to me; you've been a guiding light through some of my darkest days. Your empathy, patience, and understanding have made a world of difference in my life. I can't thank you enough for helping me find my way back to a happier and healthier me.

There are moments in life when you meet someone who makes a profound impact, and my psychologyst is one of those people for me

Let’s restore your relationship.

Don't face it alone. Get online relationship counselling for support

How our relationship issues therapy works

01 Getting Started

Online therapy is like having a heartfelt conversation with a friend, but with a professional twist. It all begins with a few clicks. You pick a cozy corner of your world, and your therapist does the same. Through video calls, you see and hear each other in real-time. The best part? No need for traffic jams or office waiting rooms. It’s all about comfort and convenience.

02 Sharing & Listening

The magic happens when you open up. Pour out your thoughts, your feelings, and what’s been weighing on your mind. Your therapist is your sounding board, your guide, and your confidant. They listen, ask questions, and offer insights. It’s a two-way street of understanding and growth, wrapped in trust

03 Progress & Flexibility

Progress isn’t a sprint; it’s a journey. Online therapy lets you set your own pace. You and your therapist work together to create a roadmap for your mental well-being. Plus, it’s flexible. Scheduled sessions, or a quick chat when you need it, adapt to your life. It’s like therapy that bends to fit your world – simple, relatable, and always here for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is relationship counselling only for couples on the verge of a breakup?

No, not at all. Our counselling services are for couples at any stage of their relationship, whether you’re facing challenges or simply want to enhance your connection.

How long does each counselling session typically last?

Each session usually lasts about 50 minutes to an hour. However, the duration may vary based on individual needs and preferences.

Do we have to attend sessions together, or can we come individually?

Both options are available. While joint sessions are beneficial for couples seeking to work together, individual sessions can provide a space for personal growth and self-reflection.

Is everything we discuss during counselling confidential?

Absolutely. We uphold strict confidentiality standards. Your privacy and trust are of the utmost importance to us.

What qualifications do your counsellor have?

Our counsellor is licensed professionals with extensive training and experience in relationship therapy. They are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care and support.

Is relationship Counselling worth it?

Yes, relationship counselling can be incredibly valuable. It provides a safe space to address issues, learn effective communication, and rebuild trust, leading to healthier and happier relationships.

Can counselling save a relationship?

Yes, counselling has the potential to save relationships. It equips individuals and couples with the tools and insights needed to overcome challenges, rebuild trust, and foster a stronger, more fulfilling connection.

Are you looking for the service of a Individual counsellor ?

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